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Empower and elevate your artistic journey with the Lighthouse Ladies: your creative allies every step of the way. Save time, money, and resources while honing your craft with our personalized support. From dramaturgical consultations to editing to organizational aid, we're here to streamline your process and elevate your output. Take a look at our services below, fill out an inquiry form, and let's bring your artistic vision to life together!

Audition Coach/Reader

Affordable Coaching, Real Results.
Calling all actors in need of audition
support that doesn't cost an arm and a
leg! Invest in personalized coaching to
save time and resources, empowering you to deliver your strongest performances and paving the way for success down the line.

Budget Creation

Smart Spending, Lasting Savings. Unlock financial clarity and efficiency with us. Beyond keeping budgets organized and clear, we're dedicated to providing comprehensive support by ensuring you understand every line item. With our guidance, you'll gain clarity and confidence in your spending, ensuring each dollar is maximized for impact.

Contracts & Onboarding

Save Time, Stay Organized. Streamline your production's organizational success with our proprietary onboarding process. From NDAs to media releases to SAG agreements to crafting master contact sheets and organized email lists, we streamline every aspect for you. Experience clear communication, efficient workflow, and seamless collaboration from day one.


Effortless Editing, Unforgettable Films. Transform your raw footage into a compelling story! Our award-winning in-house editor, with a portfolio spanning 50+ short films, will effortlessly bring your vision to life. Let us take the editing off your plate, saving you time while delivering a high-quality product that captures the essence of your story.

IMDb Page Creation & Management

Navigate IMDb with Ease, Control your Narrative. We recognize that the IMDb platform is a confusing one, and the long and arduous process of inputting every member of your cast and crew isn't the most user-friendly either. That's where we come in! From crafting your project's page to managing it through every stage of production, we ensure professionalism and visibility through and through. Save time, streamline your process, and document your impact on the top movie database platform.

Photo Retouching

Refined Looks, Polished Presentation. Let our skilled team polish your headshots, stills, and group photos to elevate your personal brand. Never fear, we don't overdo it! We want you to look your best... but still look human.

Screenplay/Script Consultations

Partner with an Expert, Unlock Your Script's Potential. Partner with our incredible in-house dramaturg for personalized consultations at any stage of development. From shaping ideas to fine-tuning structure and characters, we're dedicated to making your script shine. Our goal? To amplify your script's commercial viability and set the stage for future success. Invest in your script now for a lucrative payoff down the line!

Behind-the-Scenes Photography

High-Quality Stills, Increased Marketability. Enhance your production's marketability with our fantastic BTS photographers. Capture pivotal moments behind the scenes, creating a compelling visual narrative for festivals, fundraising campaigns, and social media. Photography includes a custom organized photo album and select edits.

Casting Director

Unforgettable Performances, Lasting Impact. Harness our expertise in navigating top casting platforms. With a track record of casting nearly a dozen diverse projects, we streamline the talent selection process, saving you valuable time and resources while setting the stage for exceptional performances and lasting project success.

Crew Assembling

Leverage our Database, Strengthen your Projects. Transform your production with our crew interview and selection process. By entrusting us, you not only save valuable time and resources but also guarantee a seamlessly orchestrated production and a top-tier result.


Note: Services applicable only for paid crew.

Headshots & Professional Photos

Immediate Impact, Affordable Investment. Elevate your professional (and marketable) image with affordable photos that capture your artistic/professional essence.

Makeup Artistry and Face Painting

Transform Actors, Elevate your Project's Look. Elevate your visual narrative with the mastery of a skilled makeup artist and/or face painter. Watch as characters leap from the page to the screen, infused with depth and authenticity. From SFX to prosthetics to realistic aging to everyday glow, we've got you covered.

Pitch Deck Creation

Worthwhile Investment, Future Opportunities. Pitch decks are a direct reflection of you and your work—this is not the place to "wing it"! Improve your chances of future success by investing in a compelling pitch deck designed from scratch by our design team. Not only does it save you valuable time and resources, but it also serves as a powerful magnet for investors and collaborators, while paving the way for boundless opportunities.

See something you like?
Step 1: Take a few minutes to fill out our Services Inquiry Form.
Step 2: Book a time with us below for a free chat and quote!

Services Inquiry Form

Fill out our inquiry/quote form below and expect a response with next steps within 24-48 hours.  Our response may include a custom, complimentary quote and strategy plan (unless we need more information from you via Zoom or phone call!), after which point we can chat further and make a collaboration happen! If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at


We look forward to being of service to you and your art!

What type of project are you inquiring about? (One form per project please!)
What is the project's current stage of development? (One form per project please!)
Which services are you interested in learning more about/receiving a quote on? Please select all that apply!
Do you already have funding acquired?
How did you hear about our services?

Thanks for submitting!

Now, schedule a time
with us to chat!

Please note: Our calendar functions optimally on laptop or desktop computers.
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